Abstract submissions

Submissions are invited for symposia and individual oral/poster presentations. For symposia on a given theme, the organizing author should pre-arrange for the different speakers (of different affiliations, as symposia are meant to bring different groups/perspectives to the same forum) and should conduct the full submission. Please note that symposia organizers will be expected to moderate their sessions during the conference. Individual submissions should be conducted by the presenting author.

Symposia abstract submission
(symposia session max. duration: 90 min.)

From the organizer(s):
- Title of the symposium
- Name(s) and affiliation of organizer(s)
- Contacts (e-mail, phone) of the organizer(s)
- Symposium abstract (250 words max.)

From each speaker (4 to 5 speakers, including organizer, 15min. talk + 3-5min. questions)
- Title of the talk
- Name(s) and affiliation of author(s)
- Talk abstract (250 words max.)

Oral presentation (15 min.) / Poster abstract submission

From the presenting author
- Title of the talk/poster
- Name(s) and affiliation of author(s)
- Talk/poster abstract (250 words max.)
- Preference for kind of presentation (talk or poster) (We will endeavour to honour your preferences, but please note that you may be requested to change the kind of presentation)

Abstract submissions are now closed.

If you are a student or post-doc (within 2 years of completing your PhD) and also the presenting author of a talk or poster, then you are eligible for the “ESCAN 2016 best student abstract award”. This award will remain in the public record of the ESCAN and your 2016 conference fees will be waived. Please indicate whether your abstract should be enrolled in this competition when you submit by checking the appropriate box.